Saturday, April 27, 2002

greetings from CedarLily

I've spent ages trying to think of a snappy introduction, but guess I should probably just take a deep breath and go for it! I feel like I'm in very hallowed company, being allowed to sit on the table with the grown-ups overhearing their dinner conversation- so thank you for inviting me!
My name is Abigail, and I'm in Sheffield, UK. God's shaking everything up for me at the moment, but I'm mainly involved in a group called Home, which is one of the clusters of small groups at St Thomas Church, Crookes. We're a group of 50 or so young adults trying to work out how to be church with integrity, in a way true to who we are, and also seeking to release the creatives. I'm also personally interested in releasing the prophetic in the cluster, and having a safe space for us baby prophets to be free to have a go (and quite often mess up!).
There's quite a lot of exciting stuff happening here in Sheffield at the moment- feels like a fresh wave is coming imminently- and so I'll try and be brief in what I write (though that does tend to be a problem!) Anyhow, enough waffle, I'm going to sit back and listen now. Man, it's so good to be part of something! I love it!
ps. if you're interested, I'm currently pulling together a website at which contains my blogs- I'm teaching myself html so it might be a bit ropey, but feel free to have a nose round. God bless!

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