Wednesday, August 07, 2002

Freakstock (01.-04.08.02) It has been a great festival again. Around 5000 people have been there. Every day GoD encouraged me and gave me a hopeful heart... It was good to be with many of my friends again, to be with my family ( (Read also Andrews weblog.) Great to see for me was that there are similar groups in Chile (Christock) or Norway (SubChurch, dpFestival). SubChurch in Oslo and JesusFreaks Germany have the same roots: Martin Dreyer and his wife (JF) and also Morten Holmquist (SC) have been on this houseboat from YWAM in Amsterdam (maybe in 1990?), where they hung around with David Pierce and his band No Longer Music. After coming home Martin started the JesusFreaks and Morten the SubChurch - without knowing of each other! But GoD made his thing: The groups are very similar to each other, also in Chile. Good to see that we are not alone on this planet, with this idea in our heart which GoD gave us.

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